03 09 2013, 10 59 PM Phil P Status “clammy” (set 18 days ago) Location Colorado Springs 932 posts, read 294,508 times Reputation 379 Why is smoking cigarettes so popular in Europe?

As an American from Colorado, the few people I see smoking cigarettes tend to be older folks. Younger people in high school or college by and large do not smoke cigarettes (marijuana is a different story). I think the younger generations don’t see smoking cigarettes as cool anymore. Yet in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, it seems that smoking cigarettes is much more prevalent. Does anybody know why?
03 09 2013, 11 03 PM Tom9 1,490 posts, read 870,695 times Reputation 874 It just custom and has nothing to do with looking cool. However anti smoking movements are gaining popularity in Europe as people develop more awareness about their health. 03 10 2013, 05 32 AM BigSwede Location Sweden 11,727 posts, read 37,600,616 times Reputation 8002 Quote Originally Posted by Phil P As an American from Colorado, the few people I see smoking cigarettes tend to be older folks. Younger people in high school or college by and large do not smoke cigarettes (marijuana is a different story). I think the younger generations don’t see smoking cigarettes as cool anymore. Yet in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, it seems that smoking cigarettes is much more prevalent. Does anybody know why? Why is smoking marijuana so popular in America? 03 10 2013, 05 34 AM Gargamel10 233 posts, read 29,272 times Reputation 77 Not in Spain, not many smokers left.
Weed in on the rise among youngsters. 03 10 2013, 06 03 AM Catbelle Status “Dreaming sweet! carmenstories blogspot com es” (set 14 days ago) Location Europe 938 posts, read 537,288 times Reputation 501 I think it was more trendy around 10 years ago, nowadays with the smoking laws and the taxes on tobacco less people usually smoke specially at young ages, I can say that only 10% of my friends smoke. 03 10 2013, 07 19 AM irish bob 4,539 posts, read 1,981,633 times Reputation 2409 Quote Originally Posted by Phil P As an American from Colorado, the few people I see smoking cigarettes tend to be older folks. Younger people in high school or college by and large do not smoke cigarettes (marijuana is a different story). I think the younger generations don’t see smoking cigarettes as cool anymore. Yet in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, it seems that smoking cigarettes is much more prevalent. Does anybody know why?
its much more common in eastern europe where every second young woman seems to smoke

then again hair metal is seen as current over there 03 10 2013, 07 25 AM LindavG Location The Netherlands 2,603 posts, read 1,340,421 times Reputation 2990 Quote Originally Posted by Catbelle I think it was more trendy around 10 years ago, nowadays with the smoking laws and the taxes on tobacco less people usually smoke specially at young ages, I can say that only 10% of my friends smoke. Same here. Most young people I know have never smoked and many older people (including my parents) have quit or are planning on quitting. Smoking is definitely not considered a popular or cool thing to do, more like an expensive and harmful addiction.

It’s another one of those sweeping generalizations that are remnants of the 1970s or so. 03 10 2013, 07 41 AM dunno what to put here Location The Shire 12,550 posts, read 5,422,654 times Reputation 4386 I think pot has replaced cigarettes as far as the under 25s in Britain are concerned. 03 10 2013, 10 20 AM Poncho NM Location New Mexico USA 15,284 posts, read 13,850,854 times Reputation 15312 Quote Originally Posted by BigSwede Why is smoking marijuana so popular in America? I don’t know how popular it really is… I do not, nor do most members of my family smoke marijuana. 03 10 2013, 03 44 PM BigSwede Location Sweden 11,727 posts, read 37,600,616 times Reputation 8002 Quote Originally Posted by Poncho NM I don’t know how popular it really is… I do not, nor do most members of my family smoke marijuana. I think it is generalizing to say it is popular in Europe.
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Opinions – american cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad? – drugs forum

Harmful chemicals in cigarettes and cigarette smoke
#1 16 07 2008, 10 03 GForce Gold Member Join Date 25 11 2006 26 y/o Male from United States Posts 399 American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

I hear a lot of debate on the subject of which cigarette is better, and I was hoping I could get some answers once and for all. All of my friends, including myself, like foreign cigarettes much more than what we can buy domestically. They’re the same brands and stuff, but I’ve had some of my favorites but brought back from different locations in Europe, the Middle East, and Russia and they’ve always seemed superior to their domestic counter parts. People that me and my friends have met abroad think the completely opposite that American cigarettes are far superior to what they have. Is this just a case of liking something different than the norm or is there actually a difference between the two? For example, I have a friend who hates Marlboro Reds here, but loves Reds he can get in Europe. GForce View Public Profile Send a direct message to GForce Find all posts by GForce #2 17 07 2008, 03 03 cosmicruler Silver Member Join Date 13 01 2008 32 y/o Male from Burkina Faso Posts 448 Re American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

yea swim has heard this subject being debated on many a munted night.
SWIM recently returned from Laos where swim started smoking Bastos 20s(French) cigerettes,and not only were they very very cheap(US25c a packet) but they were actually very good cigerettes.
SWIm has to pay $12 a pck in swims country and they just dont taste so good at that price!!

Does the price swiy has to pay have an effect on how the ciggie tastes??? cosmicruler View Public Profile Send a direct message to cosmicruler Find all posts by cosmicruler #3 17 07 2008, 05 03 Lobsang Banned Join Date 01 05 2008 Male Posts 692 Re American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

Well I really do not know tha answer to this and I do not smoke any more. But some time ago I came across a web site selling cigarettes by mail order. I found it whgen searching for Russian cigarettes. Well I see that the web site gives you an option of selecting American or European cigarettes. Now when you select European cigarettes you come up with a lot of brand that are American like Marlboro and Camel ect..

But the thing is that the web site indicates that these cigarettes apparently are not made in the USA. I quote “Marlboro Red Box Cigarettes made under authority of Philip Morris Products SA.” I so not know what SA means. But anyway these cigarettes are about one third as much as their American counterparts on the same website. So I would imagine that Phillip Morris sells the rights to use their name I guess. So who knows where the tobacco or whatever is in the cigarettes comes from?

Unfortunately I cannot link you to the website as it would be breaking the rules. But it appears that cigarettes can be purchased on line that are made outside the USA and they are much much cheaper than the USA brands. Lobsang View Public Profile Find all posts by Lobsang #4 17 07 2008, 05 36 Panthers007 Banned Join Date 22 10 2007 Male Posts 2,097 Re American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

SA infers an overseas division of a parent company. In this instance in Europa. I miss the old Soviet Union. I could buy these cigarettes called Leningradski’s. One of those monsters would clear a room in three puffs flat. Panthers007 View Public Profile Find all posts by Panthers007 #5 17 07 2008, 08 24 GForce Gold Member Join Date 25 11 2006 26 y/o Male from United States Posts 399 Re American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

The thing is I always hear that the main support behind foreign cigarettes is they have higher nicotine content than what is allowed in cigarettes in the US. However every pack I’ve ever seen has had about 2mg in it (per cigarette, according to the tobacco company). GForce View Public Profile Send a direct message to GForce Find all posts by GForce #6 23 07 2008, 22 28 phillylocal Silver Member Join Date 09 08 2007 Male from United States Posts 90 Re American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

I LOVED Craven “A”‘s when I was in Jamaica. They had a really awesome taste, a helluva buzz, and the way they (the Jamaicans) smoked them, was to “light” the end of the filter to make it more brittle….I guess a better way of saying it, is that they held a flame near it to make it more “stiff” filter looked wayyy darker after it was smoked…

off topic, but still on the topic of cigarettes, next time you light one up, take a drag, but don’t inhale. Leave it in your mouth, and blow all the smoke through a handkerchief or the bottom of a clean white ‘s incredible how much shit there i (prescription) adderall must be kicking in.

EDIT Oh, and by the way, the only place I’ve been able to find them is my local headshop in they taste like gross Marlboro Reds (like stale reds) phillylocal View Public Profile Send a direct message to phillylocal Find all posts by phillylocal #7 24 07 2008, 22 26 Bajeda Ethnobotanical Cannibal Join Date 13 07 2006 Male from United States Posts 4,355 Re American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

Quote Originally Posted by Lobsang But the thing is that the web site indicates that these cigarettes apparently are not made in the USA. I quote “Marlboro Red Box Cigarettes made under authority of Philip Morris Products SA.” I so not know what SA means. But anyway these cigarettes are about one third as much as their American counterparts on the same website. So I would imagine that Phillip Morris sells the rights to use their name I guess. So who knows where the tobacco or whatever is in the cigarettes comes from? SA Saudi Arabia perhaps?

My camel and some of his friends find that the Marlboro Reds from Saudi are very smooth and better tasting than the ones they find elsewhere, but he can’t remember if they were made there or not. You also have to watch for stale ones. Very cheap though.

Parisienne Mild (Jaune) is my camel’s favourite brand of cig. Mixes very well with cannabis.

Otherwise he finds that the Camel Filter soft packs in Europe are great. Very smooth. He prefers European made cigs to US ones in general (with a few exceptions), but generally smokes Camels. Tobacco could be from anywhere though, so hard to tell exactly what the differences are. Bajeda View Public Profile Send a direct message to Bajeda Find all posts by Bajeda #8 24 07 2008, 22 39 Lobsang Banned Join Date 01 05 2008 Male Posts 692 Re American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

Well based on my reading it seems to indicate that cigarettes from countries other than the USA do not contain USA tobacco. And tobacco is grown all over the world. I found the following quote interesting.

Quote Today, in the United States, unlike other countries, tobacco is often fertilized with the mineral apatite in order to partially starve the plant for nitrogen, which changes the taste. This (together with the use of licorice and other additives) accounts for the different flavor of American cigarettes from those available in other countries. There is, however, some suggestion that this may have adverse health effects attributable to the content of apatite. Lobsang View Public Profile Find all posts by Lobsang #9 05 08 2008, 05 30 cra$h Silver Member Join Date 21 10 2007 22 y/o Male from United States Posts 2,368 Blog Entries 2 Re American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

swim has found no cig as well rounded as marlboro menthol, or any of it’s spin off like milds, menthol lights etc. But swim has only had cigarettes that are availible in america, and where swim is, it’s getting pretty damn expensive due to taxes, but down south they’re under 1/2 the price. fucking rediculous. cra$h View Public Profile Send a direct message to cra$h Find all posts by cra$h View Blog #10 05 08 2008, 05 36 Lobsang Banned Join Date 01 05 2008 Male Posts 692 Re American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

Quote Originally Posted by cra$h swim has found no cig as well rounded as marlboro menthol, or any of it’s spin off like milds, menthol lights etc. But swim has only had cigarettes that are availible in america, and where swim is, it’s getting pretty damn expensive due to taxes, but down south they’re under 1/2 the price. fucking rediculous. Well the thing is that you can buy cigarettes on the internet that are made in both in and out of the USA. They are way way cheaper than stores Lobsang View Public Profile Find all posts by Lobsang #11 05 08 2008, 07 58 Panthers007 Banned Join Date 22 10 2007 Male Posts 2,097 Re American cigarettes or cigarettes brought back from abroad?

Be very careful in the USA buying cigarettes off the internet. If you are purchasing a “Cigarette” the ready to light product, it’s taxed in your state. If you are not paying that tax, they will bust you and fine you up the ass. I know some people who got screwed by the Feds for this AND the state where they live. Panthers007 View Public Profile Find all posts by Panthers007