In an attempt to restore justice within the smoking community, Marlboro has released a student has invented a smartphone app called Bump a Smoke that enables people to trade virtual cigarettes for real ones. Based on bump technology, the app seems to “work” like this

  • A random, slothful person who’s only half serious about smoking approaches a hard working, dedicated smoker who’s just trying to enjoy their cigarette in peace. (These encounters typically take place several feet away from the entrances of bars, or inside NYC residences.)
  • The random moocher says something like, “hey, I don’t mean to bother you, but can I bum one?” to the startled smoker.
  • Regret is feigned, and excuses are made “Sorry, I left my pack at home.”
  • If they are kind and generous, the smoker equipped with cigarettes takes one from his/her pack and gives it to the moocher.
  • Then, thanks to Bump a Smoke, magic and fairness happens! A “virtual cigarette” is transferred from the bummer’s smartphone pack to the giver’s smartphone pack.
  • When the cigarette giver’s pack of virtual cigarettes becomes full, he or she can go to the store and redeem it for a real pack of cigarettes.
  • A random, slothful person who’s only half serious about smoking approaches a hard working, dedicated smoker who’s just trying to enjoy one of their new cigarettes, and the process begins anew.
  • Bump a Smoke does seem to have some limitations. What if the person with cigarettes is too broke from funding other people’s smoking habits to own a smartphone? Then the whole thing falls apart. However, if all smartphoning smokers download the app and only smoke Marlboro, which is probably what they should do anyhow, then Bump a Smoke works just fine.

    Everybody deciding to not smoke at all would also make smoking less unjust.

    Update Turns out that the app is not a Marlboro creation but the work of Jennine Punzone a student at Brooklyn’s Miami Ad School. “I created it for a portfolio class assignment,” she tells us.

    Buzz Brewery

Light cigarettes consumers lawsuits misleading advertising, inappropriately marketed, marlboro lights, camel lights, kool lights, merit lights, winston lights, no lower nicotine level

Cigarettes can kill: florida deputies shoot man looking for a smoke in his own driveway – hit & run :
Light Cigarettes Lawsuits, Lawyers Misleading Advertising, Inappropriately Marketed, Marlboro Lights, Camel Lights, Kool Lights, Merit Lights, Winston Lights, No Lower Nicotine Level

Stamped Complaint against Phillip Morris U.S.A., Inc. 12/17/08

Stamped Civil Cover against Phillip Morris U.S.A., Inc. 12/17/08

Stamped Summons against Phillip Morris U.S.A., Inc. 12/17/08

Millions of Americans smoke “low tar,” “mild,” or “light” cigarettes, believing those cigarettes to be less harmful than other cigarettes. Many of these cigarettes very falsely marketed as “safe” or “harmless”. However, new evidence shows that these so called “safe” cigarettes are just as dangerous as regular cigarettes. In a study by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) titled Risks Associated with Smoking Cigarettes with Low Machine Measured Yields of Tar and Nicotine , national scientific experts conclude that evidence does not indicate a benefit to public health from changes in cigarette design and manufacturing over the last 50 years.

“This report was made possible by the work and cooperation of scientists throughout the country,” said Scott Leischow, Ph.D., chief of the NCI Tobacco Control Research Branch. “The monograph clearly demonstrates that people who switch to low tar or light cigarettes from regular cigarettes are likely to inhale the same amount of cancer causing toxins and they remain at high risk for developing smoking related cancers and other diseases.” This monograph is the 13th volume in NCI’s Smoking and Tobacco Control Monograph Series, which began in 1991.

The study describes several reasons why the levels of tar and nicotine measured by the FTC method do not reflect actual tar and nicotine delivery to the smoker. The filters in low tar/low nicotine cigarettes often include vent holes which, when open, allow air to enter and dilute the smoke. However, many smokers cover these holes with their lips and fingers. In contrast, when tested by a machine, the holes are unobstructed, and artificially low measurements of tar and nicotine are obtained.

Additionally, smokers who switch to light cigarettes from regular cigarettes “compensate” for the lower nicotine level by inhaling more deeply taking larger, more rapid, or more frequent puffs or by increasing the number of cigarettes smoked per day. As a result, smokers cancel out any potential benefit of smoking a “low tar” cigarette.

The following brands of light cigarettes have all been inappropriately marketed

  • Marlboro Lights
  • Camel Lights
  • Kool Lights
  • Merit Lights
  • Winston Lights
  • Salem Lights
  • Newport Lights
  • Now
  • Vantage
  • Carlton
  • Misty Lights
  • Capri Lights
  • Cambridge Lights
  • GPC Lights
  • Doral Lights
  • Virginia Slims Lights
  • Benson & Hedges Lights
  • Parliament Lights
  • Kent III Lights
  • Luck Strikes Lights
  • True Lights

Legal Help For Victims Affected By Light Cigarettes

If you have been diagnosed with an illness associated with smoking light “safe” cigarettes, please fill out the form at the right for a free case evaluation by a qualified attorney or call us at 1 800 YOURLAWYER (1 800 968 7529).